Your Word

Songwriter(s): Warren Halstrom

CCLI #7222033

  • V1

    Lamp to my feet, light to my path

    Salvation to those who believe

    Beacon of light, warning of night

    It towers above ev’ry lie


    Promise of hope, anchor that holds

    A melody Your children can know

    Treasure to me, pleasure to read

    Empowering my heart to believe


    Word of God renew me

    Morning and night ‘till my faith becomes sight

    Word of God transform me

    Let all that remains be a

    Life that’s been changed by your word


    Word of God renew me

    Morning and night ‘till my faith becomes sight

    Word of God transform me

    Let all that remains be a

    Life that’s been changed

    Oh Word of God renew me

    Morning and night till my faith becomes sight

    Morning and night bring my darkness to light

    Morning and night set my heart on what’s right

    Word of God transform me

    Let all that remains be a

    Life that You’ve changed by Your word


    Bread of life, Shine Your light

    Bread of life, shine your light

    ©2022 Risen Music Publishing (Admin. by PraiseCharts - CCLI Song #7222033. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. Words and music by Warren Halstrom. Recording: "Your Word" (Single) by Celebration Creative


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