A free chart coming your way!

We hope that everyone's week is going well so far! We're already over halfway through the year, but we believe that we can speak for everyone when we say that things can still seem uncertain sometimes in our everchanging world. It is comforting to know and to be reminded that our Lord overcomes and His plans are good!

We wanted to highligh our friends at Artesian Wells and share their encouraging song "You Overcome" with words that hold true now more than ever. We wanted to send this encouragement your way by sharing a free chart for this week! You can access your free copy of the chord chart here. All assets can be found on PraiseCharts or Multitracks.

And if that isn't enough, earlier this year Artesian Wells released a video for their song "You Overcome" featuring worship from one of their Sunday services. You can find this video here or down below.


Soundtrack of Summer


The battle has already been won!