Reflecting on X N D R - Day After Day

Risen Music is thrilled to be opening the door to a fresh wave of creativity and expertise in the ever-evolving landscape of music. In this blog post, we are delighted to present Max Horsewood's written reflection—a captivating exploration of music's transformative power and its profound impact on both artists and listeners.

“Recently I was driving to one of my favorite places in Knoxville: Lakeshore Park. On my way to a picnic with windows rolled down and feel-good music turned up loud, it hit me suddenly: “I don’t deserve this.”

In that moment, everything from the cool breeze to the bouncing bass became a spiritual lesson. It shouldn’t be this way. Day after day, I fail to give God a fraction of the glory he deserves. I don’t call upon him as I should. I fail to set my mind on the things of the Spirit. I delay doing the good that’s within my power to carry out. Yet day after day, God continues to rain down brand new mercies. Not because he overlooks sin, but because he condemned it on the cross of his Son.

Remembering daily mercies reminds me that questioning God’s love is just as absurd as questioning his power. If the heavens declare the glory of God, surely the breath in my lungs is a testament to his perfect patience. With every morning given to us, the Lord is preparing to open our eyes. Will you recognize his mercies today and offer him a sacrifice of praise?”

- Max

“Brand new mercies, day after day
Lord, Your love will never go away”

Modern Worship Album Art Lyric Display

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Max for sharing such an insightful and personal contribution. The power of music lies not only in the lyrics and melodies but also in the personal experiences and emotions it evokes within each of us. We invite you to join the conversation, and share with us the significance of this song or your favorite worship song. How did worship music make an impact in your own life? We would love to hear from you.

Until next time!


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