Now on MultiTracks! - "The Victory is Yours" Willamette Music

Here we are with another week of exciting news! Another amazing track from our friends at Willamette Music is now available on MultiTracks. That's right! Resources for "The Victory is Yours" are now available for purchase.

"The Victory is Yours" is a single from 2020 that is definitely amongst our favorites. It is an anthem of praise by our friends at Willamette Music. If ever we feel overwhelmed or uncertain, it is comforting to know that the battle has already been won and we can find peace in God's victory. This song also reminds us of one of our favorite Bible verses.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

You can listen to “The Victory is Yours” here.

We also wanted to share this amazing video for "The Victory is Yours" once more because we just can't get enough of it!

Willamette Music

Willamette Music, a group of singers, songwriters, and musicians from the Portland area, is passionate about connecting with their community and telling the stories of the church in and through worship. It's through those connections and conversations that the heart of their music flows. Their lyrics emerge from God's truths that they are living and experiencing. Whether you connect with Willamette Music in a service or streaming on your device, their music creates opportunities for you to respond to Jesus, encouraging you to take one step closer toward him.


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Now on MultiTracks and New Video! - "A Thousand Songs" Willamette Music