Send Me
Songwriter(s): Aaron Aiken / Alexa Capelli / Andrew Shubin / Astyn Turrentine / Gabby Segura
CCLI #7149812
Make me a vessel of your love
Help me show the heart you have for me
For it’s in the giving that we receive
Cause you showed us mercy
So we can be an outpouring
Your hands and feet
Send me, send me
Here I am, Lord, I am willing
Send me, send me
Here I am, Lord, I am willing
Make me a vessel of your joy
Show me beauty in despair
Rejoice in the waiting, for it’s when we’ll see
The hope of your promise spoken to be
Send me, send me
Here I am, Lord, I am willing
Send me, send me
Here I am, Lord, I am willing
Make me a vessel of your peace
Help me show the love you’ve given me
When there is sadness and when there is pain
When there is hurting, when no hope remains
And in the dark, help me shine your light
Send me, send me
Here I am, Lord, I am willing
Send me, send me
Here I am, Lord, I am willing
©2020 Risen Music Publishing (Admin. by PraiseCharts - CCLI Song No.7149812. Unauthorized distribution is prohibited. Words and music by Aaron Aiken / Alexa Capelli / Andrew Shubin / Astyn Turrentine / Gabby Segura . From the Artesian Wells album "Deeper Still.”